Dogs can develop dementia in old age

Over 50 million people around the world suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. But they are not the only ones, since dogs have shown to suffer from dementia as well. Now, a company is working to combat it with the use of video games.

Similarly to humans, aging dogs can face problems relating to memory, learning processes and alertness. Thus, it is crucial to diagnose senile dementia in dogs as early as possible to slow the irreversible deterioration of their brain.

In an attempt to save pets, Dersim Avdar from British start-up Joipaw has developed a prototype which allows dogs to play a version of the whack-a-mole game by touching a touch screen with their nose. Over time, Avdar hopes that his system will help improve the quality of life of senile pets.

Photo Credits : Photography Joipaw / Instagram©

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